Postings from an internet training with journalists in Dar es Salaam, February 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
African and international web resources
Here’s a list of some local and international websites we will visit today, useful sites not only for journalists but for anyone with the desire to find information. For Tanzanian online media, I will add some links separately to the column on the right side of the page. But here are now the other links.
Tanzania government You can find here some statistical data of the country, national budget and so on, but unfortunately the information is not updated very regularly. For reaching the different ministries, better to go directly to the section National information by topics with the giraffe image surrounded by links.
Bunge, meaning the parliament, has a good site with CV’s of all MP’s and other info. But the same here as with the government website - not updated regularly enough.
Jamii Forums This is the Tanzanian discussion site, with the slogan: “Where we dare to talk openly.” Here people use to leak out scandalous documents of corruption etc. that wouldn’t be published in the mainstream media. The eighth most visited website in Tanzania, more popular than BBC.
Reuters Africa Latest news country by country updated constantly when news happen. If things at home are relatively cool, meaning no huge floods or wars or rigged elections, the site might include only week-old business news.
IPS News “Tells the story underneath!” Well written news features from the South produced by journalists from the South. You can find the Kiswahili service here.
Other international Kiswahili language news sites include BBC Swahili, Deutsche Welle, Voice of America and the latest Radio France International, all of them providing audio clips as well. Content from more than 125 African news organizations. Here you can read papers from Cameroon to Kenya. Of the Tanzanian media houses, The Citizen and Daily News have joined this news portal recently.
Al Jazeera This satellite channel from Doha, Qatar, is today providing probably the best Africa and Middle East reporting of all the big international news channels. The website is beautiful with sharp pictures and often clever stories and commentaries.
Africa The Good News A website from South Africa trying to counter the Western media stereotypes of AIDS, poverty, tribal feuds and corruption. Right now news about farmers’ success stories in Zimbabwe and stories about African football stars and investment opportunities in Congo and Nigeria. This is a Somali news site with more than a hundred links to other Somali news and other websites. Online journalism can be a great media in a country with long distances and lack of paper, as long as wireless connections are there.
Pambazuka News Pan-African forum for social justice. Human rights activists and the best intellectuals on the continent are publishing enlightening stories on politics, development and people’s struggles.
African Elections Database Compiled by a chap somewhere out of Africa with numbers of votes, percentages and all other details from every election since colonial times.
African Journals Online On this website updated in South Africa you can browse and read close to 400 different African scientific journals, from the social science journal Africa Development to Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal.
African Literature and Writers on the Internet A web portal hosted by Stanford University in California with hundreds of links to websites on African literature, from sites about Chinua Achebe to Kenyan author Binyavanga Wainaina.
African Studies Internet Resources Web portal by Columbia University, New York. So many links that you can choose by region, country or topic.
Hello in many languages. This is one of my personal favourites. If you can greet in the Kihaya and Hehe languages and also say “thank you”, you might reach far. Here you can also learn to say “hallo” in about 20 different German dialects.
Tanzania government You can find here some statistical data of the country, national budget and so on, but unfortunately the information is not updated very regularly. For reaching the different ministries, better to go directly to the section National information by topics with the giraffe image surrounded by links.
Bunge, meaning the parliament, has a good site with CV’s of all MP’s and other info. But the same here as with the government website - not updated regularly enough.
Jamii Forums This is the Tanzanian discussion site, with the slogan: “Where we dare to talk openly.” Here people use to leak out scandalous documents of corruption etc. that wouldn’t be published in the mainstream media. The eighth most visited website in Tanzania, more popular than BBC.
Reuters Africa Latest news country by country updated constantly when news happen. If things at home are relatively cool, meaning no huge floods or wars or rigged elections, the site might include only week-old business news.
IPS News “Tells the story underneath!” Well written news features from the South produced by journalists from the South. You can find the Kiswahili service here.
Other international Kiswahili language news sites include BBC Swahili, Deutsche Welle, Voice of America and the latest Radio France International, all of them providing audio clips as well. Content from more than 125 African news organizations. Here you can read papers from Cameroon to Kenya. Of the Tanzanian media houses, The Citizen and Daily News have joined this news portal recently.
Al Jazeera This satellite channel from Doha, Qatar, is today providing probably the best Africa and Middle East reporting of all the big international news channels. The website is beautiful with sharp pictures and often clever stories and commentaries.
Africa The Good News A website from South Africa trying to counter the Western media stereotypes of AIDS, poverty, tribal feuds and corruption. Right now news about farmers’ success stories in Zimbabwe and stories about African football stars and investment opportunities in Congo and Nigeria. This is a Somali news site with more than a hundred links to other Somali news and other websites. Online journalism can be a great media in a country with long distances and lack of paper, as long as wireless connections are there.
Pambazuka News Pan-African forum for social justice. Human rights activists and the best intellectuals on the continent are publishing enlightening stories on politics, development and people’s struggles.
African Elections Database Compiled by a chap somewhere out of Africa with numbers of votes, percentages and all other details from every election since colonial times.
African Journals Online On this website updated in South Africa you can browse and read close to 400 different African scientific journals, from the social science journal Africa Development to Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal.
African Literature and Writers on the Internet A web portal hosted by Stanford University in California with hundreds of links to websites on African literature, from sites about Chinua Achebe to Kenyan author Binyavanga Wainaina.
African Studies Internet Resources Web portal by Columbia University, New York. So many links that you can choose by region, country or topic.
Hello in many languages. This is one of my personal favourites. If you can greet in the Kihaya and Hehe languages and also say “thank you”, you might reach far. Here you can also learn to say “hallo” in about 20 different German dialects.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Some photos from class
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Scholastica Mazula of Radio Times FM showing directions to Asia Khalfan of
Sauti ya Quran and Athumani Shariff from Dar es Salaam School of Journalism. |
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Journalism lecturers at work. In the front George Baltazary and behind
Jackson Joseph, both from Time School of Journalism. Photos Peik Johansson. |
Searching for the Swedish president
On Tuesday, the participants got as homework to read and analyze and reflect on a speech by Rupert Murdoch given to American newspaper editors in 2005. Murdoch’s prophetic speech more than seven years back was about the increased use of the internet, especially among the younger generation in the USA, and the consequences this would have on the newspaper industry over there and later also elsewhere.
As many readers surely know, Rupert Murdoch is a famous media mogul, the chief executive of News Corporation, and one of the biggest individual media owners in the world, owner of not only dozens of print newspapers in the USA, UK and Australia, but also owner of Fox Channel, Sky TV and many, many other big TV channels around the world.
For quite fluent summaries about the speech and views of Rupert Murdoch, see for example the postings of Hamisi Kibari of Habari Leo, Mcharo Mrutu from Channel Ten, Nurdin Selemani of RFI Kiswahili, or Zuhura Selemani, University of Dar es Salaam School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Yesterday morning after posting the Murdoch stories, we worked a bit on the blogs, arranged the blog settings, learnt how to make links to other web pages, and all participants also added a link list with links to the blogs of their other colleagues attending the training.
The rest of the day, we spent searching for information from the web, starting with simple fact-finding, such as populations of Tanzanian towns or other countries, contact information of local institutions and embassies, and names of presidents in other countries. More funny or tricky assignments were to find the phone number of Barack Obama (the idea was to simply go to the website of the White House), the name of the president of Sweden (they have no president but a king, and the prime minister is the real political leader), and who were the goal scorers of Celtic in their UEFA Champions League match against Juventus on Tuesday night (no-one from Celtic scored any goal as they lost the match 0-3).
Some other assignments, like the current inflation rate in Tanzania (12.1 percent last December) and what exactly president Jakaya Kikwete said earlier in the week about the religious violence in Geita region, were a bit more challenging. The difficulty was to narrow the search by using alternative Google options, such as Google news, or to search results only from Tanzanian or Kiswahili language websites, or from websites from last month or last week only.
Asia Khalfan, managing editor of the radio channel Sauti ya Quran (Voice of the Koran), says in her blog that she liked the fact-finding assignments, because before this session such Google search were difficult for her. Athumani Shariff, lecturer at Dar es Salaam School of Journalism, enjoyed especially how to make links to the blog texts, something he says that most Tanzanian bloggers don’t seem to know how to do. Here’s another short summary from yesterday’s training by Mcharo Mrutu, and here’s a more detailed explanation of some of the search assignments by Nurdin Selemani.
As many readers surely know, Rupert Murdoch is a famous media mogul, the chief executive of News Corporation, and one of the biggest individual media owners in the world, owner of not only dozens of print newspapers in the USA, UK and Australia, but also owner of Fox Channel, Sky TV and many, many other big TV channels around the world.
For quite fluent summaries about the speech and views of Rupert Murdoch, see for example the postings of Hamisi Kibari of Habari Leo, Mcharo Mrutu from Channel Ten, Nurdin Selemani of RFI Kiswahili, or Zuhura Selemani, University of Dar es Salaam School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Yesterday morning after posting the Murdoch stories, we worked a bit on the blogs, arranged the blog settings, learnt how to make links to other web pages, and all participants also added a link list with links to the blogs of their other colleagues attending the training.
The rest of the day, we spent searching for information from the web, starting with simple fact-finding, such as populations of Tanzanian towns or other countries, contact information of local institutions and embassies, and names of presidents in other countries. More funny or tricky assignments were to find the phone number of Barack Obama (the idea was to simply go to the website of the White House), the name of the president of Sweden (they have no president but a king, and the prime minister is the real political leader), and who were the goal scorers of Celtic in their UEFA Champions League match against Juventus on Tuesday night (no-one from Celtic scored any goal as they lost the match 0-3).
Some other assignments, like the current inflation rate in Tanzania (12.1 percent last December) and what exactly president Jakaya Kikwete said earlier in the week about the religious violence in Geita region, were a bit more challenging. The difficulty was to narrow the search by using alternative Google options, such as Google news, or to search results only from Tanzanian or Kiswahili language websites, or from websites from last month or last week only.
Asia Khalfan, managing editor of the radio channel Sauti ya Quran (Voice of the Koran), says in her blog that she liked the fact-finding assignments, because before this session such Google search were difficult for her. Athumani Shariff, lecturer at Dar es Salaam School of Journalism, enjoyed especially how to make links to the blog texts, something he says that most Tanzanian bloggers don’t seem to know how to do. Here’s another short summary from yesterday’s training by Mcharo Mrutu, and here’s a more detailed explanation of some of the search assignments by Nurdin Selemani.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Internet use in Tanzania is growing fast
Yesterday morning the participants opened their blogs, which I believe most regarded as a very interesting exercise. We moved on to some statistics about the use of the internet globally and in different world regions and countries. Maybe surprisingly, almost half of all internet users in the world are nowadays in Asia (more than one billion people), much more than the combined number of internet users in Europe and North America. Counting the share of the population that is using the internet, North America is however the top region in the world with four out of five people being connected to the web.
Africa is still at the bottom end in both charts, but for the last five years the continent has also experienced the biggest growth in the number of the internet users. There are now 167 million internet users in Africa, which is about one seventh of the total population of the continent. Currently the biggest growth can be seen in Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and also Tanzania, where the number of internet users has multiplied in the last three years, mainly due to a fast increasing number of people using the internet via their mobile phones. In Tanzania, there are today 5.6 million internet users, the seventh biggest number in Africa after Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa and the Sudan.
What are the people then using the internet for? From the charts updated on the web trafficking site Alexa, we noticed that globally the most popular websites are Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo and Wikipedia. The media doesn’t perform very well in the statistics. BBC was the 53rd website on the list, CNN was in the position 88, and the American online news media Huffington Post was 95th. So the conclusion was that at least globally people use the internet mainly for other kinds of fact-finding or communication, instead of reading news.
In Tanzania, however, media websites are suddenly getting more and more popular among the internet audience. There were totally 16 media websites among the Top 100 list, mostly local media, including two popular blogs. Most popular media websites were BBC (read both in English and Kiswahili), Mwananchi (the biggest daily newspaper), Michuzi blog (online media which started originally as the blog of photojournalist Issa Michuzi), Global Publishers (a collection of tabloid newspapers), IPP Media (the biggest private media house including a TV station, a national radio station and newspapers in both Kiswahili and English) and Millard Ayo (entertainment blog by Clouds FM radio DJ who actually launched his first blog during our first internet training in Dar es Salaam 2008).
Another interesting thing we found out from the Alexa list was that the most popular website in Tanzania is not the Google, as elsewhere in the world, but Facebook. “Tanzanians like gossiping instead of searching for information”, was a common explanation by the participants. The popularity of Facebook could also explain why so many media websites have recently managed to increase their popularity. One reason could be that in Facebook people often share links to interesting news they read in the media. Another explanation is that now Tanzanians, often using their mobile phones to reach the internet, have finally learnt to visit local news media online and free of costs, instead of paying hundreds of shillings for buying a print copy.
For reviews and summaries of statistics and other things we did on Day 2, see the postings of Hamisi Kibari of Habari Leo or Nurdin Selemani from RFI Kiswahili. Mcharo Mrutu from Channel Ten goes on to explain some of the business concerns facing the traditional media, when especially a young and urban audience is searching for news online. Zuhura Selemani from the University of Dar es Salaam has written a short essay on other challenges during the age of the internet, from digital divides to plagiarism and how the constant use of internet is affecting the human brains.
Africa is still at the bottom end in both charts, but for the last five years the continent has also experienced the biggest growth in the number of the internet users. There are now 167 million internet users in Africa, which is about one seventh of the total population of the continent. Currently the biggest growth can be seen in Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and also Tanzania, where the number of internet users has multiplied in the last three years, mainly due to a fast increasing number of people using the internet via their mobile phones. In Tanzania, there are today 5.6 million internet users, the seventh biggest number in Africa after Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa and the Sudan.
What are the people then using the internet for? From the charts updated on the web trafficking site Alexa, we noticed that globally the most popular websites are Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo and Wikipedia. The media doesn’t perform very well in the statistics. BBC was the 53rd website on the list, CNN was in the position 88, and the American online news media Huffington Post was 95th. So the conclusion was that at least globally people use the internet mainly for other kinds of fact-finding or communication, instead of reading news.
In Tanzania, however, media websites are suddenly getting more and more popular among the internet audience. There were totally 16 media websites among the Top 100 list, mostly local media, including two popular blogs. Most popular media websites were BBC (read both in English and Kiswahili), Mwananchi (the biggest daily newspaper), Michuzi blog (online media which started originally as the blog of photojournalist Issa Michuzi), Global Publishers (a collection of tabloid newspapers), IPP Media (the biggest private media house including a TV station, a national radio station and newspapers in both Kiswahili and English) and Millard Ayo (entertainment blog by Clouds FM radio DJ who actually launched his first blog during our first internet training in Dar es Salaam 2008).
Another interesting thing we found out from the Alexa list was that the most popular website in Tanzania is not the Google, as elsewhere in the world, but Facebook. “Tanzanians like gossiping instead of searching for information”, was a common explanation by the participants. The popularity of Facebook could also explain why so many media websites have recently managed to increase their popularity. One reason could be that in Facebook people often share links to interesting news they read in the media. Another explanation is that now Tanzanians, often using their mobile phones to reach the internet, have finally learnt to visit local news media online and free of costs, instead of paying hundreds of shillings for buying a print copy.
For reviews and summaries of statistics and other things we did on Day 2, see the postings of Hamisi Kibari of Habari Leo or Nurdin Selemani from RFI Kiswahili. Mcharo Mrutu from Channel Ten goes on to explain some of the business concerns facing the traditional media, when especially a young and urban audience is searching for news online. Zuhura Selemani from the University of Dar es Salaam has written a short essay on other challenges during the age of the internet, from digital divides to plagiarism and how the constant use of internet is affecting the human brains.
Bookmarking and other practical skills to share
The participants have opened their blogs and made their first postings, introducing themselves, listing some of their expectations from the training and writing summaries of what we did on the first day of the training and what they liked or disliked.
Nurdin Selemani, deputy chief editor of Radio France International Kiswahili service, wishes that the training will help him and others a lot, because in Tanzania many journalists don’t know how to use the internet effectively to communicate quickly with the rest of the world.
Zuruha Selemani, journalism lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam, says that her main expectation from the training is to acquire skills, knowledge and experiences that she can share with her students and colleagues at the school of journalism.
Athumani Shariff, lecturer at Dar es Salaam School of Journalism, expects to receive new knowledge of the internet in order to be able to train his students in new media technology. At the end of the day, he says, “this will help the society to get the right information”.
George Baltazary from Time School of Journalism says that he has about 500 students to teach. What he liked most during yesterday’s training was to learn how to bookmark web pages (or add them to favourites, if you’re using Internet Explorer) to easily find them afterwards. Also clearing the page history was something new to him and most others.
Maurice Manda from the Royal College of Tanzania says that he liked that the assignments were very practical.
For compact summaries of what we did yesterday, see the postings of Hamisi Kibari, subeditor of the Habari Leo newspaper, and Jane Mathias, subeditor of Nipashe newspaper.
Nurdin Selemani, deputy chief editor of Radio France International Kiswahili service, wishes that the training will help him and others a lot, because in Tanzania many journalists don’t know how to use the internet effectively to communicate quickly with the rest of the world.
Zuruha Selemani, journalism lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam, says that her main expectation from the training is to acquire skills, knowledge and experiences that she can share with her students and colleagues at the school of journalism.
Athumani Shariff, lecturer at Dar es Salaam School of Journalism, expects to receive new knowledge of the internet in order to be able to train his students in new media technology. At the end of the day, he says, “this will help the society to get the right information”.
George Baltazary from Time School of Journalism says that he has about 500 students to teach. What he liked most during yesterday’s training was to learn how to bookmark web pages (or add them to favourites, if you’re using Internet Explorer) to easily find them afterwards. Also clearing the page history was something new to him and most others.
Maurice Manda from the Royal College of Tanzania says that he liked that the assignments were very practical.
For compact summaries of what we did yesterday, see the postings of Hamisi Kibari, subeditor of the Habari Leo newspaper, and Jane Mathias, subeditor of Nipashe newspaper.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Tweeting through the first training day
This is my first posting from a five days training course for Tanzanian editors and journalism lecturers in the use of internet, tovuti in Kiswahili, for fact-finding, news monitoring, communication and publication.
It is already the twenty-first internet training event for Tanzanian journalists, part of a training programme launched in 2008 and organized jointly by MISA Tanzania and VIKES Foundation, a solidarity organization of journalist associations in Finland, with support from the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
We are just starting the second day of the training in a cool air-conditioned multimedia room of the Tanzania Global Learning Agency (TaGLA), located at the Institute of Finance Management, the leading business school in the country.
We now have eleven participants in class. This time six of them are editors or senior producers, including subeditors from two major national newspapers, editors from three radio stations, and a senior producer from the national TV station Channel Ten. The other five are journalism lecturers from the University of Dar es Salaam School of Journalism and Mass Communication and three other local journalism colleges.
We started the day with an introduction round and each participant listing their expectations for the training week. Most of them wished that they would acquire more knowledge and experience in the use of internet in order to make better stories and programmes at their media houses and to be able to improve the teaching at their journalism schools. George Baltazary from Time School of Journalism said he wished to learn how the use of internet can lead to social development.
After the introduction and a tea break, we did some exercises on how to book a train ticket in Finland and how to buy a flight ticket in Tanzania. In addition to the local Precision Air, a new low-cost airline called Fastjet has just recently joined the Tanzanian market with online booking and a possibility to pay the ticket with a money transfer from a mobile phone. We went on with another assignment to find out who is the owner of the newly launched company. Answer was the British investment company Lonhro, previously well-known for its cordial relations with Africa’s worst dictators.
We also visited a number of websites that have in one way or another changed the world in the quite recent era of internet.
We have seen what Americans buy from eBay and watched some video clips on YouTube: the Nigerian football player Sunday Mba scoring the winning goal in the African Cup of Nations final on Sunday evening, and the South Korean music video Gangnam Style which has attracted the incredible 1.3 billion views so far. I showed how to edit a Wikipedia article and also shared ideas about the importance of online games. Closer to the end of the day, we visited the Twitter site of the Nurdin Selemani, one of our participants. He is the deputy chief editor of Radio France International Kiswahili and was tweeting throughout the whole day yesterday – about the Pope’s resignation, about the upcoming UEFA Champions League matches and the first TV debate of presidential aspirants in neighbouring Kenya. At the same time, he was actively taking part in the discussions in class.
Now the participants are opening their own blogs and posting a first introduction of themselves. I will provide links later.
It is already the twenty-first internet training event for Tanzanian journalists, part of a training programme launched in 2008 and organized jointly by MISA Tanzania and VIKES Foundation, a solidarity organization of journalist associations in Finland, with support from the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
We are just starting the second day of the training in a cool air-conditioned multimedia room of the Tanzania Global Learning Agency (TaGLA), located at the Institute of Finance Management, the leading business school in the country.
We now have eleven participants in class. This time six of them are editors or senior producers, including subeditors from two major national newspapers, editors from three radio stations, and a senior producer from the national TV station Channel Ten. The other five are journalism lecturers from the University of Dar es Salaam School of Journalism and Mass Communication and three other local journalism colleges.
We started the day with an introduction round and each participant listing their expectations for the training week. Most of them wished that they would acquire more knowledge and experience in the use of internet in order to make better stories and programmes at their media houses and to be able to improve the teaching at their journalism schools. George Baltazary from Time School of Journalism said he wished to learn how the use of internet can lead to social development.
After the introduction and a tea break, we did some exercises on how to book a train ticket in Finland and how to buy a flight ticket in Tanzania. In addition to the local Precision Air, a new low-cost airline called Fastjet has just recently joined the Tanzanian market with online booking and a possibility to pay the ticket with a money transfer from a mobile phone. We went on with another assignment to find out who is the owner of the newly launched company. Answer was the British investment company Lonhro, previously well-known for its cordial relations with Africa’s worst dictators.
We also visited a number of websites that have in one way or another changed the world in the quite recent era of internet.
We have seen what Americans buy from eBay and watched some video clips on YouTube: the Nigerian football player Sunday Mba scoring the winning goal in the African Cup of Nations final on Sunday evening, and the South Korean music video Gangnam Style which has attracted the incredible 1.3 billion views so far. I showed how to edit a Wikipedia article and also shared ideas about the importance of online games. Closer to the end of the day, we visited the Twitter site of the Nurdin Selemani, one of our participants. He is the deputy chief editor of Radio France International Kiswahili and was tweeting throughout the whole day yesterday – about the Pope’s resignation, about the upcoming UEFA Champions League matches and the first TV debate of presidential aspirants in neighbouring Kenya. At the same time, he was actively taking part in the discussions in class.
Now the participants are opening their own blogs and posting a first introduction of themselves. I will provide links later.
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